AGNS: | Arabidopsis GeneNet Supplementary Database, located in the Computable Plant Project. |
ChemDB: | Database of molecular compounds for chemical informatics, in silico synthesis, docking, and virtual screening. |
GOnet: | Yeast database and visualization tool combining gene (SGD), gene ontology (GO), and gene interaction information (GRID). |
ICBS: | Database of protein-protein interactions mediated by inter-chain beta sheets. |
iPubMed Search: | Fuzzy and interactive search of biomedical literature (PubMed). |
MITOMAP: | Human mitochondrial genome database. |
PPDB: | Poxvirus proteomics database (formerly VACDB). |
Hydra EST Database: | This website contains a variety of datasets, analyses, and resources pertaining to the Hydra EST Project. |
Sigmoid Database: | Database for molecular interactions and pathways (Systems Biology). |
Yarrowia lipolitica: | Yarrowia lipolitica Strain W29/CLIB89 Genome Assembly & Annotations. Direct link to download zip file. |
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